Recent content by LiewSL

  1. L

    Phayee remote shuttle for FZ20

    Please count me in for this MO.. Thanks
  2. L

    Nikon 6T

    Emailed TK for a quote.. Considering 5T seriously.. Thanks :)
  3. L

    Nikon 6T

    6T is 2.9 diopters whereas 5T is only 1.5, I think... Try this first. If really cannot may go for 5T which I know is available. Visited Peninsula plaza on friday, CP has no stock still. Just called CP, at Marina this time, still no stock... If know of anywhere else hv, would appreciate the...
  4. L

    Ah-po can still teach this boy a thing or two!!

    Me think it is for filtering of well water... :) :)
  5. L

    Nikon 6T

    Hi Everyone, Wonder if any of you lumixers has an extra Nikon 6T macro lens willing to part, for S$80.00? Must be in good condition... :)