Recent content by LeafyJ

  1. L

    photography jokes

    When I first got my compact digital cam in mid 2002, not many people had seen one before. Everytime I brought it out for shoots, people would stand behind me, trying to peek into my screen. This made me feel really uneasy and a lot of times, I didn't press the shutter because of the stress...
  2. L

    What colour would you choose for your tripod ballhead? (REDUX)

    I'd like a metallic dark grey. Something that looks almost black but is not true black.
  3. L

    Lost watch

    I know chances are slim... but still want to try everything I can think of... I left a watch behind on the back seat in a yellow CityCab on Sunday 4 Jul between 1:30-2pm. Brand is DKNY, it's a chronograph watch with black leather strap. If you or anyone you know happened to pick it up, please...
  4. L

    Is Domke still cheaper from US vs. SG?

    Pardon me for riding on this thread. I have a simple silly qn... I've decided to get a Domke bag from CP and before going down it makes sense to first call and ask about the availability... but how is this word pronounced? dome-key? dome-ker? dome-kk? dorm-key? ...?? :dunno: :sweat:
  5. L

    Female photographer updates

    Can we have it on a weekend daytime, if possible? I usually need to go home and take care of my baby after work :sweat:
  6. L

    Female photographer updates

    Sounds like it will be a great outing! ...Too bad I can't make it!!! You gals have fun. I think I can only join weekend daytime outings... Which means none of the fun night shots for me... :cry:
  7. L

    Female photographer updates

    I'd love to join. We sure have a HUGE group of female shooters! See ya! 1. old skool 2. huluyue 3. photojourney 4. tainted 5. joyeo 6. xdw3irdxd 7. badtzdiana 8. szewen 9. Gennie 10. cheerful88 11. oreos 12. cricketgirl 13. buzzybee 14 sjx123 15 LOTUSfairy 16 Brina-D 17...