Recent content by kyeoh

  1. K

    Just Bree

    Looks like the members here are more appreciative of your work Sweeann. Keep it up. :)
  2. K

    Japan GT Babes

    I think there was a convoy of cars from Singapore who were at the GT. They then left for a product launch somewhere. :)
  3. K

    Rose & Sidney

    OK, stray hair noted. Thanks for the advice.
  4. K

    Japan GT Babes

    I live in Bangsar... sure, if you're back in Malaysia, can always meet up. :cool:
  5. K

    Rose & Sidney

    Just sharing some photos with fellow snappers.
  6. K

    Japan GT Babes

    You got better babes... Astin babes. Seriously... you have lovely models as well.
  7. K

    Japan GT Babes

    Just a few more. :) Erina Andou Erissa Nakayama Chikage Mitoma
  8. K

    Japan GT Babes

    Whoops! My bad about Midori... will change it later. As for the last pix, her complexion is definitely not that good. No point fixing it up in PS for events type of pix IMHO.
  9. K

    Japan GT Babes

    Just sharing some pix: 4*Tune Endless girls Yurika Shima Miu Hatsune
  10. K

    Malaysia's Digital Camera - Only RM8 !!

    Hope that no one is confused between Digital Camera Magazine and Digtial Camera & Photography. One is franchised from the UK, while the other is from the USA. The contents of the US mag seems to be more outdated and less interesting, IMHO.
  11. K

    Klims 2006...84...20

    Peugeot 206 willl be manufactured by Naza in Malaysia, hence the rebadge.
  12. K

    KL International Motorshow 2006 (yes, another thread)

    A few more pix: Yeah, it's all hard work for the girls - some of them are on full day shifts. Pictures are shot at ISO 800, didn't bother to remove noise as I find the results to plasticky and artificial. Most people's preference would be as little noise or as smooth as possible, I...
  13. K

    Transcend CF Card .... Good ???

    No probs with my 2GB Transcend 120X. Used it on KLIMS and so far so good.
  14. K

    AFOS Race Queens

    Here you go Cyber: Come to Malaysia next month for the Japan GT... more chio race queens! :)