Recent content by kaixax555

  1. kaixax555

    Tamron SP 70-200 f2.8 Di VC USD

    Tamron SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD: Digital Photography Review This new lens looks really good, weather resistant, circular diaphragm... Problem is... will it be released for Pentax mount? And when?
  2. kaixax555

    Pentax K-3, 560mm F5.6, 654D 2nd Gen...

    No full frame :( though still looking forward to any potential release of new lenses... maybe a replacement for 12-24?
  3. kaixax555

    Something unique coming real soon?

    I do not think it is exactly about creating market share... but to increase exposure of Pentax products themselves IMO... which will in turn drive up sales for other products...
  4. kaixax555

    Something unique coming real soon?

    But if an entry level full frame is released... it will be really difficult for Pentax to step in the full frame market IMO
  5. kaixax555

    Sigma 17-50 f2.8 EX DC HSM

    Is the non-OS version sold in Singapore? And is the price similar to the Tamron? Thanks.
  6. kaixax555

    Photos taken by Pentax cameras for tech. discussion - Season IV

    Taken with a 18-55 WR while on a train
  7. kaixax555

    Pentax To Announce the K-3 Full Frame DSLR At Photokina

    hope they revive their entire FA and FA* lineup haha
  8. kaixax555

    Pentax To Announce the K-3 Full Frame DSLR At Photokina

    Pentax To Announce the K-3 Full Frame DSLR At Photokina Wonder why no one here talked about this :bsmilie:
  9. kaixax555

    Singapore not a good model for developing countries

    my opinion of why sg is not a good model is different sg is trade based... it has the edge of being a trade and transshipment hub i dun think it will work as welll in developing countries anyway people in EDMW likes to take these to criticize the government... sometimes even crappier...
  10. kaixax555

    K-30 ... K-r Replacment?

    OMG I think this is gonna be really really good... Potential breakthrough into the market
  11. kaixax555

    Tripod+Balls,any recommendations?

    T1004X + G10 head is $169 if you are game for carbon fibre T1204x + G10 is still within your budget at $299
  12. kaixax555

    Photoshop for Nikon D7000

    Is your photoshop RAW plugin updated to the latest version?
  13. kaixax555

    1DX gets Molested

    How come my friend don't get to shoot a picture of this pre-production model?
  14. kaixax555

    Creative Dad takes crazy photos of daughters

    Awesome photos
  15. kaixax555

    1DX gets Molested

    That is the model on display/molest there right?