Recent content by imet

  1. I

    C750 can use XD 'H' card?

    Thanks for the info.
  2. I

    C750 can use XD 'H' card?

    Q1: Can a C730 or C750 use the 'H' type XD Cards? Q2: How much is a 512mb XD card cost and how much is 1GB XD card cost? Thanks in advance.
  3. I

    What do you think of a photographer who uses D70 for weddings?

    If you had asked him, probably you will have learn a thing or two from him and wouldn't get yourself :embrass: no hurt feeling, life go on...
  4. I

    What is your most expensive mistake?

    my most expensive mistake is not knowing it is a mistake... :confused:
  5. I

    Why do people keep fierce dogs?

    The photo wasn't well taken...the face of the dog look distorted...or r u trying to create a special effect? :bsmilie: no offend.
  6. I

    Consolidated NKF Thread

    ...who is paying for the legal fee? O, no... :sweat:
  7. I

    Just for Laughs

    :bsmilie: thanks for the link.
  8. I

    My first try at Landscape

    Is this Singapore? wow, u had make it a beautiful place to live in. :thumbsup:
  9. I


    sunset without the sun. ;)
  10. I

    Yellow Yellow Yellow

    beautiful butt photo. good jobs. :thumbsup:
  11. I

    My first wedding photoshoot

    Thanks for sharing your bride....'s photos. :D No sure was it my eyes or the photos...not sharp but pretty.
  12. I

    Anyone had this problem also..

    the cameraman forgot to remove the len cover... :D
  13. I

    Tried renting DVDs? For below $200 DVDPlayer u can take a look @ Enzer, value for money. Check it out @ above addr. The Enzer 5288 @ $149 look good, with touch screen n bluelite.
  14. I

    Tried renting DVDs?

    There r too many brand n model to recommend but first of all, what is ur budget? n 2nd r u hooking up with TV or PJ? If using PJ with DVI input, I recommend the Momitsu 880 - cost ard $460. If u want Value for money dvdp u can try the Enzer 5188, 5278 or the 5288 - cost ard $89 - $149...
  15. I

    OK, who can do this?

    Very entertaining. two :thumbsup: