Recent content by GregLye

  1. G

    D70: Before And After Re-Caliberation...

    How long did it take for the re-cal?
  2. G

    Trekking in Mountain Kinabalu

    Went up there twice but that was more than 10 years ago.... Was a very nice place then...heard that the price of most things had increased alot since. Climbing permit was only RM 25 then. I would recommend bringing a tripod up with you if you can. It's cold & windy up there & by the time I...
  3. G

    How to inspect a lens to see if there's fungus?

    Hi, Found one of my lens (Tokina 28-70 f2.8) has some fungus growth. Any recommendation on a good / realiable shop that can do the cleaning & how much is it? Will the fungus comes back again after cleaning? Thanks.
  4. G

    e-Book bundled with Nikon product purchase?

    Yep....just the basic version. Saw somewhere abt need to pay US$19.99 for the full version 2.0 which add another abt 1000 pg of contents. :think: Got my D70 at Max Photo. ;)
  5. G

    e-Book bundled with Nikon product purchase?

    Called the shop this afternoon to check on the ebook. They said they did not receive any instruction from Nikon that the D70 comes bundled with the ebook. Nevertheless, they said they can give me one if I'm interested. Went & picked up the ebook this evening. :) :) :)
  6. G

    e-Book bundled with Nikon product purchase?

    Hi, This is my first post here. I read a news in Nikon sg website dated 4-Feb that the 123 of Digital Imaging Interactive e-Book is bundled with Nikon. Does anyone knows if this is still on? I've just purchased a D70 yesterday but did not get the ebook. :( For those of you that just...
  7. G


    Replying to test post
  8. G


    Test New Post :)