Recent content by gnn19

  1. G

    Show us your lighting setups - Part 1

    really interested to know setup shot on these two...
  2. G

    A550 REVIEW at DPreview

    any hi iso sample image yet?
  3. G

    Yet another Wireless Flash question

    i'm using jianisi,wich is similar to phottix... Q1.. that's good enough i guess... Q2.. AFAIK,not for nissin.. but the others work fine...
  4. G


  5. G

    Tiggering Sony/KM flashes with PC sync

    the adapter you need is called fs-1200 it's something like this..:)
  6. G

    March 2009 SONY new bodies, new lens

    is this for real? hopefully 50-150mm is more affordable than 70-200mm...
  7. G

    Creative styles..

    i used portraits or landscape depending on what i shoot.. and i always set sharpness and contrast at +2.. saturation sometime at 0,sometime at -2.. depending on shooting situation...
  8. G

    Worth Venturing MF on DSLR

    135mm f/2.8 or 75mm f/1.9... there's some on ebay every once in a while... but it'll be too expensive if i bought it from there... you know with plus tax shipping etc...
  9. G

    Worth Venturing MF on DSLR

    point number 3 from your first post... you don't lose infinity..sometime it's just slightly miss... read arkku page on flickr...he explain well about this issue... i have zenitar 50mm f/2,super takumar 135mm f/3.5 and tair 300mm f/4.5... i love zenitar and takumar...both produce a nice bokeh...
  10. G

    hi... yes,i pick up a lens on a market in jakarta... it was in pasar baru...there used to be...

    hi... yes,i pick up a lens on a market in jakarta... it was in pasar baru...there used to be so many minolta lens there... but it's kinda hard to find these day.. but,if you lucky and find one,the price is absolutely cheap... well good luck hunting ^^
  11. G

    [ask] is it fog inside my lens?

    it's fungus,,,and thank god it can be clean :D
  12. G

    [ask] is it fog inside my lens?

    i'll let you guys know what the service tech says... will bring this lens tomorrow... nope,i'm not even in sg :D... i bought it at some market (wich is loaded by old lenses) in jakarta...
  13. G

    kitchen tools...:)

    hey...i'm a newbie to... and really happy to share... i used one speedlight with blue gel snooted to the background here... i don't actually remember how much power the strobe fired... i think it's about 1/8 or 1/4.. the rest just set up from your camera...
  14. G

    Dark and Sinister (Nude Warning)

    wow #2 kinda scary for me lOl... #1 was great..great mood,great light,great shape... it's great!!