Recent content by frostiee

  1. F

    NEX 3NL Lens for Travel?

    Thanks for both reply! Did not know about the ziplock bag trick. Will prepare 2 for the trip. 16-50 and extra batteries, got it! Is it ok if i sort of carry it in a sling pouch while skiing? I wish to take photo for the entire ordeal
  2. F

    NEX 3NL Lens for Travel?

    Hi just gotten this camera through the amazon sale recently. Did some search and found out that the smallest and portable lens for this camera is SEL-20F28. Am wondering if there are any Sigma, Tamron or Tokina lens that are compatible. Main criteria i am looking at is the size of the...
  3. F

    [SunChasersSG] Newbie Outing (Part 15) - Clarke Quay Sunrise 7th Aug

    Just reach home not long ago... Very very busy with work... Didn't had much time to PP, so chosen one that doesn't required much pp :sweat: Anyway it's something different. Oh the girl beside me is my gf and her nick in this forum is called bearca. Pls help me to update thx~ P.S...
  4. F

    Frostiee's APAD project 2010

    05 Aug 2010
  5. F

    Frostiee's APAD project 2010

    04 Aug 2010
  6. F

    [Numnumball] Urbanscapes/Ruralscapes in SG

    Love #12 the most :heart::heart: The color and the ambient rox!
  7. F

    Singapore River Evenings

    Shots seems pretty much ok to me. However, i find that the placement and the color of your signature stands out too much so much so it causes some distraction to me. I think placing it in the corner would be better. My 2 cents
  8. F

    Frostiee's APAD project 2010

    03 Aug 2010
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    Frostiee's APAD project 2010

    First attempt at pano 02 Aug 2010
  10. F

    Flash and metering for Night Portrait

    It will be very hard if not impossible to get a clear background with your stated criteria. First of all, in order to get a good and lighted back ground, with a F stop of 5.6 or 8 you'll need several seconds of exposure depending on the lightning. Secondly, for shutter speed to be less then 1...
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    Frostiee's APAD project 2010

    1 Aug 2010
  12. F

    Frostiee's APAD project 2010

    31 July 2010
  13. F

    Beginners Outing(Part 22)-Jurong East/Chinese Garden on the 14 August

    Guides: 1)cleonbus 2) 3) 4) !!!Stops at 4!!! Beginner shooters: 1)MGohzxc 2)veera4u 3)SHLEW (LEW) 4)pinapple 5)f134134 6)frostiee (Near my house lol!!) 7) 8) !!!Stops at 8!!! Reserve list: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) !!!Stops at 12!!!
  14. F

    Frostiee's APAD project 2010

    Hi, Inspired by nightmare86 kitty photo and hence decided to try taking some 'neko' So my first APAD is dedicated to a lovely kitty. 30 July 2010
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