Recent content by Fridge

  1. F

    Help Needed With Nikon Capture!

    hey thanks, will try that out, but called nikon already and it seems the problem lies with windows ME being unable to install the PTP driver...
  2. F

    Help Needed With Nikon Capture!

    Major help needed with my Nikon capture software! Currently using a D70 and bought the Nikon capture software 4.0 so that i can utilise it's custom curves function, but the program just can't seem to detect the camera! i tried using both PTP and mass storage but to no avail, but i can still...
  3. F

    photo shoot in Yishun.

    can i join if i free
  4. F

    Best optimize image settings for D70

    i just bought my d70 mind if i joined in with you guys? newbie nikon user here, so need help with the cam... :embrass:
  5. F

    The best of Nikonians Works?

    i've been surfing through the pictures posted on this forum and found that the majority of the 'Best of ******' pictures are often posted by people who use canon cameras, wondering where are works of digital nikon users? :dunno: (Pls dun flame me... just want to check out more good pictures...
  6. F

    Do laser lightings in clubs affect a DSLR?

    I do lots of clubbing photography for JUICE magazine taking crowd shots and ambient shots using my trusty F707, but recently thinking of upgrading to a DSLR (D70 nikon). Anyway just heard from a friend that the laser lighting in clubs may adversely affect a DSLR light sensor and metering...
  7. F

    Wide Angle lenses for F-Mount (was The Ultimate D70 Lens set)

    so any recommended wide angle lens for a d70? budget around $1000?
  8. F

    Which do u think is better, D70, 10D or S2Pro?

    heh... thanks for the info... yeah think i'll be getting a d70... not sure if its wise to just snap up the first batch though, bugs etc...
  9. F

    Which do u think is better, D70, 10D or S2Pro?

    heh... yeah... so guess this would be more of a comparison between 10d and s2pro.... for the s2pro hows the AF speed and sharpness of images?
  10. F

    Which do u think is better, D70, 10D or S2Pro?

    yeah i read the reviews from dpreview but i was trying to get some first hand accounts of people who actually use these cams...
  11. F

    Which do u think is better, D70, 10D or S2Pro?

    i'm thinking of either of these 3 cameras without the consideration of price, focusing on image quality, auto focus speed and functions. Could anyone help me by listing some of the pros and cons of each camera that you are familiar with? Thanks a million ppl... :)
  12. F

    Rave Party: How to take care of our camera?

    heh.... well that depends on how big the event... most likely it'll be a short review and tons of pictures though... ;)
  13. F

    Rave Party: How to take care of our camera?

    Hey yeah, could u post the details of the rave? i take photos and write reviews for JUICE magazine, so if the rave party sounds good i might want to do an article.
  14. F

    WTS 707, suggested price?

    heh... icic... thanks ppl... cause was thinking of upgrading to the 300d... :think:
  15. F

    WTS 707, suggested price?

    Hey ppl, i want to sell my 1 year plus old 707, with 128mb memory stick, perfect working condition. Coiuld you guys help me suggest a reasonable price at which to sell them at? :dunno: