Recent content by flyingbee

  1. F

    Cinematic Church Wedding

    Yup. Blown highlights and from the looks of it its been posted. Magic Bullet? Nice use of 'The Holiday' soundtrack..;)
  2. F

    Using 7D for Drama Production

    Thanks all..esp bro Dxn for the insight, input and advice. We will surely minimize any mishaps while maintaining the highest quality regardless of what equipment we use, taking into consideration of what we discussed here. We are lucky to have one very dedicated and patient editor who likes...
  3. F

    buy video cam from expandore got local warranty?

    so bro dxn, who is your preferred vendor? pm? hehe.
  4. F

    Using 7D for Drama Production

    Hi all, I am planning on using the 7D for my upcoming drama project which will be broadcasted late Feb. I have used the 5dmk2 for a couple of corporate videos and the results were stunning. However different from the corporate video, the drama will include audio. i have the H4n Zoom recorder in...
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    Glidecam 4000 pro or Glidecam HD 2000

    Hi Sukrew, As a fellow Bruneian, I can understand your need of urgency, however bear in mind that Brunei operates more or less like Singapore in terms of market. Supply and demand. Not many videographers in Singapore, in Brunei also use glidecam in their production BUT most the pros and...
  6. F

    Canon 7D arrival time

    my bad. here's the price of Canon 7D from Brunei again..:o:confused:
  7. F

    Canon 7D arrival time

    Canon 7D officially launched today in Brunei with a photojournalist to boost sales(hopefully). Have a look at the prices here in Brunei..
  8. F

    Price of 1Dmk4

    some users at dpreview were disappointed that 1dmk4 is not ff. Cant wait for its preview of that 102k+ iso..:bigeyes:
  9. F

    50mm 1.4 or 85mm 1.8

    new? yes..checked B&S, can get one around 500 or less, still elcheapo than buying a 85 1.4. :thumbsup::thumbsup: CZ 85 1.4 is a dream :angel::cool:
  10. F

    50mm 1.4 or 85mm 1.8

    yup..the 50 1.8 and 85 1.8 is using a manual zuiko 50 1.4 and the focus sweet spot is thin thin thin..need to be careful but if its spot on, its priceless.. ;)
  11. F

    Where to buy Pro HD Camcorders

    or try Sensys Singapore... Got the HPX172EN from them recently. Excellent service and i was in luck getting the Sales Manager to entertain me. It will not be the last they see of me..hehe..
  12. F

    Projects shot on Canon 5D MkII

    Now that the manual control is out for the 5dmk2, there's a burst of videos uploaded at vimeo. Its the GH1 thats interest me now also, wonder whether it has the manual control that the 5dmk2 has. Planning on shooting 'something' of bloom's 'sofia's people' at bugis. Wanna flatter phillip...
  13. F

    Sony PMW-EX3

    ups for bro engr!!..:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  14. F

    MediaCorp TVC Saving Gaia jittering?

    yup.thanks bro jaeg for the lcd info, i was thinking of getting one too. got to 'fondle' a nice marshall at broadcast. btw..if the 5dmk2 were used in the ad, will it be safer for them to just conform to 30p rather than 24/25p? forgive my noobieness..