Recent content by dteoyk

  1. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    I knew a few having 60D . and one having 5D Mark III ... 1D is.......... something i didnt event dream on.. But thks anyway. Cheers ~ ^_^
  2. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    Thanks ^_^ Will try that... ^_^
  3. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    Yes, i was so trigger happy and i used most of my photos on F/1.4.. .. Indeed, it is "soft" Now i realized my mistake. :( feel bad for that person i took her photos.. doesn't like sharp...
  4. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    Wow.. thanks. very useful info !!! ^_^ Noted, will check with Canon.
  5. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    i thanks everyone here who are so nice and kind, making the effort to explain and giving alot of helpful/useful information. I salute (*bow) to everyone. Cheers~
  6. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    I am not happy about the lens. it is just that i have some problem with the sharpness. i wish to clarify. i took photos of ppl and now knowing the facial are blurr.. Yes, indeed.. i try it in low light (dim corridor) it works very well.. Sorry, a little bit of myself. i took up basic...
  7. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    Thanks, i have doubt becos even in speed of 1/1000, the pic is blurr.. i did test on people.. in low light enviroment, it works very well.. however, i notice the facial is not sharp. i did focus on the eye..
  8. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    Yes, i did some read up, like 6 months ago .. however, the info i got on internet are all singing praises. guess i didn't dig deep enough to get real info.. i admit my mistake.. lesson learnt... Er.. I dont mean the lens look good on the camera. what i meant is the photo quality looks good...
  9. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    thank you. will heed your advise :) it is just that i seen so many singing praises of F/1.4.. view some photos comparision.. Make me wonder why.. understood, it works like the telecom.. promise u the max internet speed but u reach it..
  10. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    Thanks, btw.. i am not blaming the lens. i have problem handling with it and that's why i am asking question. i've been through basic photography course conducted by Phocus Photography School. and had been taking photos for the past 1 year. Yes, i still consider myself novice photographer. :)...
  11. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    thanks. appreciate your kindness. :) i will hang on to it.. knowing now those "singing praises" of F/1.4 sharpness which tamping me to buy.. i had to say as a novice photographer, a lesson learnt. cheers ~
  12. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    noted. thanks... should have bought 3rd party, cheaper.
  13. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    oh, .. yup was there around 5 pm.. a gp of cosplayer.. :)
  14. D

    Pls help on f1.4 50mm lens. photo quality not good as seen.

    thanks. yes, i dont usually shoot on tiny flower or i dun really do it. i was testing out the effect. i bought the lens two wks ago at funan it mall. brand new. i did my first try one on some outing shoots with people. dim corridor and outdoor shots. that's when i discovered having problem with...