Recent content by drabsinthe

  1. D

    Kobalux 21/2.8

    The lens doesn't have a serial number on the front. That made me think it might be a copy.
  2. D

    Kobalux 21/2.8

    Damn not sure why cannot insert image. Heres the link:
  3. D

    Kobalux 21/2.8

    Just purchased a Kobalux 21/2.8 which arrived today. I think I may have a copy instead of an original Kobalux. Hopefully some of the seniors here can give some opinion.
  4. D

    Blood Pressure Monitor

    Omron is what we use in hospitals and GP clinics so i assume they are pretty decent.
  5. D

    Warning/ Reaction to Lowballers.

    Nothing wrong with wanting a better deal than the stated price. Just be polite about it and ask the seller whats their best price or bottom dollar. Cuz sometimes when i list stuff for sale i ll quote more than my best price in expectation that someone will ask for a discount. Its a...
  6. D

    Qns about resale value of leica bodies and lenses

    If you wait patiently you can usually get a good deal on leica M bodies and lenses. Usually on Ebay or US based photo forums. I have bought and sold quite a couple of Leica bodies/lenses and probably net profit. However I sell mostly in Aust or get my brother/friend to sell them in Europe/US...
  7. D

    Man Utd-The Legacy continues: 18 n still counting! Unlike some stopped @ 18!

    Cant watch the match cause I got to work tmr ... Damn !! Devils all the way ! Crush pool !
  8. D

    Are Singaporean giving up marrying locals?

    I do find that the ABCs here in Aussie-land are generally prettier than girls in Spore. N they do tend to be more lady-like/demure than the local gals I know. Maybe my experience is skewed by my previous ABC gfs lol. But yes i have to agree that the issue of moving from one country to...
  9. D

    Are Singaporean giving up marrying locals?

    I used to feel sorry for the S'porean guy. Many educated, well-mannered, decent looking Spore girls were just not interested in us. They wanted the fancy foreign man with his exotic looks, charming personality and fat wallet. Then I went overseas to study ................ Well lets just...
  10. D

    2009 Maths Question which Adult also duno!

    Not sure about model method being simpler. I remember struggling with models during my p5/6 days, i could always get the answers using algebra but trying to reverse engineer it into a 'model' answers was a pain in the ass. N you never ever use model method again .... NEVER. Not in O lvls nor...
  11. D

    Advise and warnings for travellers in Spain

    I think travelling in Spain is pretty safe. I have been to Barcelona and Madrid carrying a dSLR with no problems. See alot of tourist doing the same. But stick to major roads, places with many people and tourist. Do remember that dinner starts at about 11 pm in these cities !! Best not to be...
  12. D

    What can we learn from Ris?

    I dun think it matters what language/dialect Ris speaks. Its painfully obvious that she lacks basic public speaking skills and wit. She over-compensates by trying to be 'interesting' and trying to fake a god-only-knows accent. Her mannerism and poise needs to be polished as well. Frankly she...
  13. D

    Sportsmenship, or rather the lack of it...

    I do not get the whole idea of upholding pro-sportsmen as shining beacons of light for the human race, especially for their behaviour and character. We have people like Mother Theresa for that. Some of the greatest sportsmen have less than perfect character and behaviour. Jordan, Schummi...
  14. D

    do you think he would survive?

    Wow ... amazing that he is still conscious and talking. I am surprised at the relatively small amount of blood loss. But I guess the force and friction of a heavy truck dragging his lower limbs could provide enough heat and pressure to cauterise his major arteries. No guts cause he was...
  15. D

    Glutamine - wonder pill?

    Ok 1. Glucosamine is not a wonder drug. It does not replace/repair your joint cartilage. It has only been shown to reduce PAIN associated with arthritis. It will also not slow down arthritis. 2. Glucosamine has no effect on Calcium in the body. Vitamin D does. 3. Apparently Glucosamine...