Recent content by deBakey

  1. D

    Interested to learn PS?

    I dun mind... is it confirmed? or are you waiting for the poll results?
  2. D

    Workshop for beginners

    totally agree. I've been taking photos on and off for years. Still remember when I started out, I just borrowed book after book from the library. Didn't really attend any workshops. Reading can help you gain insight of the fundamentals, also you have the flexibility of doing it whenever you're...
  3. D

    some of my photos for my clients.

    Great. Saw the photos on your website, simply fabulous... ;)
  4. D

    This is what i call a IDEA !!!! Taken by Bittertaste

    I think the photographer (semota) posted on the landscape forum also. Actually I was wondering if the hands were placed using PS or they were captured during the photography. What do you all think? Or perhaps semota can give some insight.
  5. D

    some of my photos for my clients.

    Hi, great shots you have there. May I know what camera and lens you used for those shots? Thanks.
  6. D

    Recommendations for hotel in New York?

    Actually if you don't mind you can go for the hostels. I stayed there while on a conference trip. Not the best place but it's a great experience.
  7. D

    Great service from Canon Sg.

    Hi, how about just normal maintenance cleaning for canon lenses. Do they charge? Thanks... ;)
  8. D

    Flash and lens review websites

    Thank you!!! ;)
  9. D

    Flash and lens review websites

    Hi, I know that dpreview gives very detailed reviews of cameras, does anybody know of any website that offers good reviews for camera lenses and/or external flash units? Thanks.
  10. D

    critique needed

    the pose reminds me of those tiny green plastic soldiers i used to play as a child...
  11. D

    wedding shoots

    I find the captured expressions of the two children (right most) in photo #7 to be quite interesting.
  12. D

    Flash in a Dry Cabinet

    hey thanks for the reply... if I remember correctly he said something about the capacitor... cannot remember liao. Anyway, so can we put the camera battery in the cabinet? Sometimes I never take the battery out of the camera after using... sounds like a bad idea hor... ;)
  13. D

    Flash in a Dry Cabinet

    Hello, ... just wondering if anybody can enlighten me. Some years ago when I bought a dry cabinet, the seller told me not to put the flash inside as it may damage it... somehow over time I forgot and left my flash inside. Now I wanna use it and seems that the flash is not working (put in...
  14. D

    Astin Model Shoot #73 - Newbie Studio Workshop, Sun Mar 28

    (1) nightwolf75 (2) art (3) sai (4) contax (5) acroa (6) darrelchia (welcome ;) ) (7) deBakey (8)