Recent content by Cyclonejoker

  1. C

    What do you guys think of third party battery?

    As long as the battery is good and hold larger capacity why not? Who know 3rd party is same/even better as OEM .. just tt OEM is more expensive because they have their brand print on it .. (well tt my theory)
  2. C

    Infinity Focus - what is it about?

    thx everyone for the heads up ... yeah im still new to photography and this is my first time to come across infinity focus:D ... i'm still learning through googling and asking (to confirm and understand better)... :D really appreciate everyone's help ..
  3. C

    Infinity Focus - what is it about?

    Hi all cs-er, i've a question which i still yet to have a conclusion or a clear answer to it ... i notice there is a infinity symbol on the 15-85mm lens ... i've google it and it seems like it is 'infinity focus' .. but under what kind of situation will it be useful for? quoted...