Recent content by clifflll

  1. C

    Canon Secretly Plan Something

    Is it to produce the 20-400 mm lens?
  2. C

    any recommendation upgrading to Full Frame Camera?

    Perhaps it's time to let myself get my FF too. 1st or last doesn't matter.
  3. C

    Do you shoot RAW?

    I tried RAW after reading CS and now use RAW whenever I want quality, when weather/lighting is too poor for my cam and even when travelling. Post-processing, tho slow, does help to save many pictures. Go RAW whenever possible. Anyway, RAW vege has got more nutrition :bsmilie:
  4. C

    Upgrading to FF: 5D or 5D Mk II?

    Apart from personal needs, if u r thinking of 5D or 5D mkII, u would be already having the fund for 5D at least. If so, I would say work or save harder and longer for 5D mkII!!! I was looking a 5D but now aiming for the latter. I'm sure u won't regret it.
  5. C

    Anyone switch from Nikon to Canon?

    I think it's a matter of preference and needs. I'm using D70s for working as assistant photographer n like it very much. But I'd want a Canon for using my Leica R lens and other old n cheap lenses such as CZ and contax with adapters. So, happy choosing.
  6. C

    Contax C/Y Zeiss on Canon.. 50/1.7 or 50/1.4?

    Thanks a lot for the info, but how do i check whether it's MMG or not? Any indication on the lens itself?
  7. C

    Contax C/Y Zeiss on Canon.. 50/1.7 or 50/1.4?

    Hi Guys, a friend wants to sell me an old lense, contax zeiss 85mm f1.4 at RM3,300. Do u think it's worth it? Do u think it's worth it? I really need your help in this.
  8. C

    Rangefinders using Leica R lenses or Contax

    I have a Leica R lens 100mm f4 and planning to buy a cz 85mm f1.4 contax mount. I wonder if there's any rangefinders that can use these lenses? Sorry for such a basic question:embrass:, but will really appreciate your answers. :bsmilie: Btw, those RF really look sweet.
  9. C

    how many people use MF lens on canon DSLR

    Hi, I'm also thinking of getting a used Leica lens to go with a Canon camera and saw this 100mm f4 macro Elmar for sale. I don't seem to be able to find much info about on the net. So could you guys give me some?
  10. C

    Contax C/Y Zeiss on Canon.. 50/1.7 or 50/1.4?

    thinkvision, could u please elaborate on the BBB virus...u've got me very very curious now...pls
  11. C

    Shall I buy Canon 5D or 50D???

    Ya, agree. But worth it to wait a bit? since a new Canon DSLR seems to be coming? :bigeyes:
  12. C

    Shall I buy Canon 5D or 50D???

    Thanks a lot for all your enlightening views, sifoos. Certainly takes away the wool in my head. Though decision not finalized but the direction of the next step is clear. :thumbsup:
  13. C

    Shall I buy Canon 5D or 50D???

    Dear Sifoos all, Please give me your opinions as to which one is better or suits me. Help! I work as a reporter with a magazine and would like to buy a canon so i can use my Leica R lens with it. So it's more for leisure and more artistic and not heavy work. Plus I can't afford the new 5D...