Recent content by chkoch

  1. C

    Afternoon Stroll

    Liked the shot...simple but nice. Is there really a snail under the shell? :what:
  2. C

    National University of Singapore

    1)Lazyfiddler - B.Eng (Civil) 1993 2)Fighthefuture - BBA(H) 2001/2002 3)Goondu - MSc (Mech Eng) 1995 (Part -time) 4)rueyloon - B.Eng (comp. eng) 2002 5)rayman - B.Eng (Mech) 2002 6)baiyun - B.Sci (Comp Sci) 2000 7)chgoh - BEng (Elect) 1987 8)AdamGoi - B.A. 1997 9)chenwei - B.Comp 2001...
  3. C

    B&W Charges

    Wow, developing B&W is not they do it the traditional way with an enlarger?
  4. C

    Wah liew, cigarette prices went UP again !!

    Maybe it is time to quit smoking...better for your health and your wallets! :p
  5. C

    Intro to Flash Photography, some beginner's queries.

    Thanks for the link. Really did not know that flash photography is such a "chim" thing. Got lots of things to learn about photography still. :angel:
  6. C

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy birthday to you, Bluestrike. Another year older...another year wiser. :gbounce:
  7. C

    Moon Last Night

    Wow, nice pictures of the moon. :eek: How are the exposure settings like?
  8. C

    How much is the Dynax 7 worth?

    Hi, Actually I am looking for a Dynax 7...if anyone is selling, please let me know. Thanks! :p
  9. C

    Invisible dining companion

    Interesting shot...always wanted to try out street photography but not sure how well other people will react when they see that you are taking a photo of them. Singaporeans seems to be quite camera shy...:embrass:
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    congratulation! fuji user finally got own forum!

    Anyone of you have the Fujifilm Green card? Got it a few months ago but have not used it before. Cannot even remember what benefits the card gives, hehe...:p
  11. C

    sian fail ippt!

    Also have problems with my chin-ups all the time...sigh. Somehow find that doing weights doesn't really help I go to the chin-up bar to do flex arm hang to train. Luckily it only comes around once a year.
  12. C

    Lomo Users?

    How much did you pay for your Lomo LC-A? Thinking of getting one. :gbounce:
  13. C

    Full Time Asst Photographer Needed

    Wow, know what does an assistant photographer do?
  14. C

    What jobs are you holding right now?

    Me doing economics research...but going back to school soon. :P
  15. C

    Clubsnap Slide Show

    What about the seminar rooms at NTUC or SAFRA? Should be more affordable than hotel?