Recent content by cagivaz

  1. C

    WTBuy: Compact - Fuji F20

    Advertisement Category: Want To Buy (WTB) Equipment Type: Compact Equipment Brand: Fuji Equipment Model: F20 Budget (S$): <100 Description: I am looking for the old model Fujifinepix F20. Please pm me for the price and condition. Real Name: Clement Warranty Status: NA
  2. C

    Fujifilm FinePix F20 very noisy when focusing

    As long can shoot sharp pictures then got to live with it lor. Yet to bring it for some candid night shots.
  3. C

    F31fd makes noise :((

    My F20 also make relatively loud noise when focusing. :cry:
  4. C

    Fujifilm FinePix F20 very noisy when focusing

    hmm then when u focusing the object that time do you hear the mechanical stuff inside the lens or body adjusting before locking the focus ? Maybe need to be in a quiet place to hear it more clearly. I was playing with the camera in an office environment.
  5. C

    Fujifilm FinePix F20 very noisy when focusing

    Hi F20 users, Would like to check with you if the sound that comes from half pressing the shutter button ie.) when focusing produce some loud mechanical sound. Also the time taken to focus on an object tends to take more time as compared to when I last used a Canon S3IS. If you set...
  6. C

    F30 cheap lobang ...499... but not sure...

    No need ebay. Go to and you see that the price is much cheaper over there. Of course got to factor in shipping and we dun really qualify for the mail in rebate unless you get one of your fren who is in US to buy on your behalf. Warranty wise is only 30 days. That is the catch...
  7. C

    Where to buy Silica Gel

    Yeah bought those "Premium Silica" for $5 when i was shopping at Marina Square. Some neighbourhood photo shop sell $3.50 only. Dunnoe if the price is really for the premium but the blue is more blue as compared to those $3.50 ones.
  8. C

    RAYNOX DCR6600PRO 0.66x Wide Angle

    Does anyone have the above wide angle lens that will fit the 52mm adapter for rent or loan? Need it for only one day in December this year. :) Please kindly post your reply so that I can get back to you. Thanks.
  9. C

    Purchases from USA <--- reputable online seller.
  10. C

    Canon PowerShot A710IS

    Price of F30 is abt $590 nett from what i found. Hopping for F20 price to drop. Newegg is selling for S$100 less and that is before shipping :D
  11. C

    Need recommendations for Compact Digicams

    I second that if you do not need any manual settings. F20 look nicer with the metal grey . IMHO.
  12. C

    Canon S3 IS Users

    S3 user here too. =P
  13. C

    Prosumer Camera

    I was looking at the Lumix FZ-7. Cost about a ~$100 lesser. Interms of size it is quite compact. But the S3 is using 4xAA batteries and that to me is an advantage. Both have optical stabalizer.