Recent content by Bukitimah

  1. Bukitimah

    Any old member around?

    Yeah have not visited this site for a while. Also have not 'touch' my camera for more than a year due to covid. Today, try to shoot a video and my D610 show Err. Panic and search the web on how to diy. Various advices on cleaning of contact point, to trying to manually flip the mirror or...
  2. Bukitimah


    I am sure we all don't enjoy seeing HK today while those investigating are fanning it. The fact that those countries flags are flying and yet none condemn the action tells alot.
  3. Bukitimah


    It is very unfortunate that navies HKers think they are US Bristish subjects. It is like Singaporeans thinking they were Americans. You can be American by migrating if they want to accept you but you won't able able to change HK status. Once this fact gets drilled in and understood, all these...
  4. Bukitimah


    If you read Leslie Fong report in today ST, that is what normal asian see it and not those hoping to disrupt asia. While I can agree that China can wait and see. It is like others throwing shits at California and Americans sit back and do nothing. Wait till they throw the shits at their heads...
  5. Bukitimah


    I mean don't want
  6. Bukitimah


    I want to believe HW or any other manufacturer want this kind of publicity. I understand they did state 30 pcs per outlet, correct me if I am wrong. So what they failed to envisage is the crowd and how to deal with it. I also understand they also give up queue numbers which is what others didn't...
  7. Bukitimah


    Today is HW, tomorrow can be any other brand. So, going forward, this issue becomes an international problem. If the worry is about spying, google already officially indirectly say they are spying liao from this action. Try to google something and see 8f advert pops up now and then.
  8. Bukitimah

    2018 was the worst year for the digital camera sales since peaking in 2009 - CIPA

    Lenses are the surviving item. Personally, a FF body of reasonably low iso sensor capability will meet your need for a long time. Weight between mirrorless body is insignificant when you need lens.
  9. Bukitimah

    Should we fight back when we encounter a terrorist Attack?

    If everyone fights back, your survival chance increase. But you need to know how are you fighting back.
  10. Bukitimah

    Any old member around?

    Sorry date wrong. Not 1980 but maybe 6 years old in this forum. Apologies
  11. Bukitimah

    Any old member around?

    No sure your old referring to age or being a member for a long time. I am a young guy at heart but joined in 1980. Haha
  12. Bukitimah

    Buying 2nd hand lenses

    True, it takes all kinds of people to make up this world. I have my fsir share when i upgraded from APS to FX. I want to sell my lens and after agreeing, i drove down to meet buyer. He look at it for a long time and then say got dust and wanted discount. I really don't know if the lens is...
  13. Bukitimah

    Do you keep the boxes of your camera and lenses?

    I still have mine but now I think I will find time to throw them away lah. It is not going to add value should I decide to sell my gears which is highly unlikely till I see the need to upgrade.
  14. Bukitimah

    Lesson for Singapore: concentration of power in a few led to Venice’s downfall

    I didntread the full article but many 'experts' evaluate matters using their own perspective and ignore the cultural context of the country they are comparing. This is especially true with the westerners. Good to use others az reference but every contry and their culture are different.even if...
  15. Bukitimah

    About the dust in lenses

    when i first started, i clean my lenses everytime i used them before putting them into mybdry cabinet. this habits seem to stop after a few years. frankly, i don't seem to notice any dust in my photo other than those found on the sensor when i shoot at very high aperture. of course cleaning...