Recent content by bonkeng

  1. B

    Sharing of Prices of 7D

    Hi, is it paid in cash? How much do you think would it be if paid in credit card installment?
  2. B

    HELP! Canon 500D (18-200) or Nikon D90 (18-105)

    1 more thing, if i decide to get the nikon d90 kit with the 18-105 lens, someone suggested to trade the 18-105 for the 18-200, but have to pay around 500$ more. is it worth it? i mean, does the 18-200 have a significant advantage than the 18-105 one?
  3. B

    HELP! Canon 500D (18-200) or Nikon D90 (18-105)

    guys, someone just quoted me with these prices: Nikon d90 kit (18-105 lens) --------------$800usd Nikon body only--------------$500usd Nikkor 18-200 lens------------$300usd Canon 50d kit (18-55) -------$700usd Canon 50d kit (18-200)------------$800usd so, D90 kit (18-105) = D90 Body +...
  4. B

    HELP! Canon 500D (18-200) or Nikon D90 (18-105)

    I tested the d90 yesterday at HN, and it felt good. i'll test the 500d later. how about the canon 50d? 50d kit 1 comes only with 18-55 @ 1.9k, then kit 2 with 18-200 @ 2.5k. my budget is around 2k so my choices are these: Nikon D90 (18-105) @1.8k Canon 500D (18-200) @1.9k Canon 50D...
  5. B

    HELP! Canon 500D (18-200) or Nikon D90 (18-105)

    ok, i will try again later if can see the difference, then if still cannot, then im going with the 500D because of the 18-200 lens. I plan to buy within the week, or next week latest. It would be great if more suggestions and opinions are given. I'll check the review now, thanks guys.
  6. B

    HELP! Canon 500D (18-200) or Nikon D90 (18-105)

    ermmmm..... already did both, and frankly, havent noticed the difference....yet. when i ask the clerks, they would say those irrelevant things, like canon better or nikon better, canon more user friendly, nikon more user friendly etc. Maybe they also dont know, just like me. thats why i...
  7. B

    HELP! Canon 500D (18-200) or Nikon D90 (18-105)

    Hello guys! I’m planning to buy my first dslr camera. A friend (Canon user) suggest the Canon 500D kit II (18-200 lens) @ 1.8k. While my cousin (Nikon user) suggest the Nikon D90 kit (18-105 lens) @ 1.7k. Both are around the same price range. Which would be better? Thanks.