Recent content by biratan81

  1. B

    Pulau tioman trip

    best is to go to the Paya Beach..IMO... last time i went was 3 days and 2 nights and everything including meals, lodging and snookering. About RM300 per person... can check out with the agent about Paya Beach...
  2. B

    D70 / vertical grip

    it can use almost all the nikon mount lenses, can the normal cheap digi cam do that? we are talking about different things, how to compare like that leh? it is same to say that a same price of vid cam and digi cam, how come the vid cam can take very long duration video but digi cam can...
  3. B

    Cleaning your own CCD for D100?

    if you got the skill and you clean more than one time...the adaptor is worth the money already..