Recent content by BBK

  1. B

    England and Scotland (northernmost) in December

    Currently in UK, its cold. You may want to take note of this: Watch out... the big freeze is coming - Telegraph
  2. B

    Advice on camera care at cold countries?

    Hi There, There are 2 main issues: 1. Condensation - Its typically much colder and dryer outdoors in winter. When you bring the camera indoors, there will be condensation on all the surfaces, and it will be more severe than what we experience here when we take our camera from a cold...
  3. B

    Prime Len for Travel Photography

    I think there are several factors, but main thing is what you want to achieve? 1. Are you bringing other lenses eg bring wide zoom and telephoto zoom, and bring 50mm to cover the gap. Or bring one full range zoom, but prime with big aperture for low light. 2. As others have said, what is...
  4. B

    Italy Trip

    Italy used to have rep for being unsafe in the 80s and 90s, but I think it has changed a lot. Sure, there are still pickpockets etc, so you have to observe the usual precautions eg. avoid lonely places, keep a lookout esp in crowded places, wallet in front pocket, look out for gypsies...
  5. B

    Polarizer for Switzerland in June??

    By all means bring one but IMHO use of Pol depends on the circumstances, the result you desire and personal taste.
  6. B

    Gonna drive round Burgundy, later Eurodisney & Paris

    Going to Europe in summer, bringing 11-22 and 50 and leaving 14-54 and 50-200. Reasoning is that I'll be in cities mainly and probably less use for long focal lengths and more need for wider angles in narrow streets etc. Also trying to keep weight down as will be doing lots of walking. But as...
  7. B

    How many Olympus Studio users here?

    I have a Mac, so I use the Studio functionality that is found in Viewer by opening the RAW file in Finder using "Open With" command.