Recent content by ahren84

  1. A

    First timer need advise to get new digital camera

    Hmm...still dunno which of the two i should buy, anyway..thanks... i guess i'll have to go down IT show and ask for their freebies and see whether can try the cameras or not lor...
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    First timer need advise to get new digital camera

    but exceed my budget, $699 at IT show... haiz... think i can't get so expensive one... thanks
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    First timer need advise to get new digital camera

    Thanks for the interpretion, it's correct... what's compact?
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    First timer need advise to get new digital camera

    for e.g. my handphone can't take close shots like the words on my handphone lor, so i'm hoping to look for something handy, stylish, cheap and good.
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    First timer need advise to get new digital camera

    Pentax better than sony or canon?
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    First timer need advise to get new digital camera

    Hi, thanks for helping me by viewing my post. I want to buy a digital camera and my budget is $500+/-. Hope i can get a handy one, good for close shot, can take text on my handphone maybe, :D is it possible? Mainly for taking clear and nice pictures. Nice background to go with me in it. Need...