Recent content by 33sierra

  1. 33sierra

    Would you bring a DSLR or Point and Shoot to travel to Europe?

    I was caught between which equipment to bring too for my europe trip 2 years back with my wife. Ultimately,between the 17-55 + 70-200 combi and 18-200, i brought with me my DSLR, my wife's 18-200mm, and a gorilla pod + laptop. My wife had with her a super compact. We decided that we will...
  2. 33sierra

    [ Override2Zion ] HYPERFOCAL DISTANCE Table Generator

    Wow! Thank You for Sharing!!:D
  3. 33sierra

    Pls share your favourite CHILDREN photos here..... Part II

    My newborn girl, 5 weeks old now :)
  4. 33sierra

    Maternity Portraits of My Wife

    yup yup, we actually did another indoor shoot with tight fitting outfits and the usual more 'revealing' outfits. And as you suggested, i think we'll be headed out for another shoot in a plain colour outfit. Thank you for the suggestion! :)
  5. 33sierra

    Maternity Portraits of My Wife

    Thanks Trident! Thanks Numnumball! congrats to you too, btw i saw you when we were done with the shoot and leaving the place last saturday @ lower pierce :)
  6. 33sierra

    Maternity Portraits of My Wife

    Thanks for the comments! Points taken, i agree i was abit too over zealous with the touch up. I did find it a challenge to use natural light without reflectors or flash though
  7. 33sierra

    Maternity Portraits of My Wife

    Thanks papajanggo33, i sure will !:)
  8. 33sierra

    Maternity Portraits of My Wife

    Did an outdoor shoot last saturday before my wife is due to deliver our first child next month, I seldom do portraits, but i figured that i've got to capture this important phase of lives. Did 1 more set of indoor shoots, but my lovely wife says no to posting it. So here they are, a few of...
  9. 33sierra

    What will you do??

    tell them politely that you are doing a job for the couple, and time is scarce, you cannot do your job properly and be answerable to the couple if you are constantly helping others do things rather than doing the job for the one's who engaged you.if they insist, get one of the wedding helpers to...
  10. 33sierra

    Cat of the Temple

    Thats what i thought too! love the colours of the eyes;)
  11. 33sierra

    Cat of the Temple

    Nope, its actually in Wat Pho or a temple around rambuttri village if i don't remember wrongly
  12. 33sierra

    Cat of the Temple

    Saw this cat while visiting a temple in thailand. It seems so undisturbed by the continuous flow of people coming in and out. Here's some shots to share. C & C welcomed #1 #2 #3
  13. 33sierra

    Upcoming SITEX! Epson or Canon? which would you?

    Epson R290? i've been trying to get that printer for a few weeks alrdy, lots of shops told me that it's been phased out. do you think Sitex will have it? OT a little bit, anyone any idea which shops still sells R290?
  14. 33sierra

    Just Bk from Bangkok

    Got a few qoutes from MBK today, 6 camera shops there, 3 owned by same company. here are the prices from Foto-File(Ground floor next to Giordano) Foto-Thailand(3A-13) and Canon foto-file(5B-near the food avenue) all qouted same price coz same owner. The rest qouted prices that are more ex...